

Amperon launches 25% more accurate net demand forecasts

With more reliable solar and wind forecasts, companies can balance the volatility and risk that renewables bring to the grid.

HOUSTON, June 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/-- Amperon Holdings, Inc., the leader in AI-powered grid analytics, today launched their new net demand forecasts, which include solar and wind generation forecasts. With forecasts that are 25% more accurate than theISO, Amperon's net demand forecasts will be a critical grid management tool for the energy transition. Amperon's net demand forecasts are already available for the Electricity Reliability of Texas (ERCOT) market and will be rolling out to more ISOs this summer.

Our renewable generation forecasts provide the other half of the equation to give our customers comprehensive insights.

As global energy demand outpaces new renewable generation, it will be more important than ever to know how much these intermittent resources will be producing. The weather is already difficult to predict. Without accurate wind or solar forecasts, utilities and grid managers will still need to rely on high-carbon emission peaker plants to make sure the grid remains balanced.

"After building the best demand forecasts, our new renewable generation forecasts provide the other half of the equation to give our customers comprehensive insights into energy markets, and to effectively integrate solar and wind into their energy management strategies," said Sean Kelly, CEO and co-founder of Amperon.

Amperon's grid-scale net demand forecasts for ERCOT provide:

  • Total grid demand minus renewable generation for the next 14 days – a full week longer of forecasts than the ISO currently provides
  • Comparison to day-ahead forecasts and the ISO's net demand forecasts
  • Separate generation forecasts for wind and solar, utilizing granular     weather points and site-specific monitored wind generation data

By better anticipating the amount of solar and wind that will be available on the grid at any given time, companies can optimize energy trading strategies, improve operational and resource planning, and help decide when to utilize backup power or storage options – which ultimately reduces carbon intensity and keeps price slow for consumers.

Amperon's net demand forecasts will be available in all markets by the end of the year with SPP, CAISO, and PJM to launch this summer.

About Amperon

Amperon Holdings, Inc. is a technology company based out of Houston that builds AI-powered electricity analytics for energy market participants. Founded in 2018 by a seasoned data engineer and a veteran energy trader, Amperon serves electricity retailers, energy traders, grid operators, utilities, and large C&I energy users worldwide. Amperon is the forecasting company for the energy transition and is dedicated to supporting grid reliability, risk management, and sustainability.

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"After building the best demand forecasts, our new renewable generation forecasts provide the other half of the equation to give our customers comprehensive insights into energy markets, and to effectively integrate solar and wind into their energy management strategies."

Sean Kelly

CEO and co-founder of Amperon

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